Feb 25, 2008


Starfire Pin-Up

Hey, guys. I am going to NY on April for the NYCon.
Let me know if someone of you wants commissions.
Order here.

Thanks, pals...



Gilberto Queiroz said...

Olá Eddy, blz?
Parabéns pelo blog. Só conhecia o fotolog. Gosto mt do seu estilo. Acho parecido c/ o do Ivan Reis (Ou o dele parecido c/ o seu). Tb acho que tem alguma coisa do Alan Davis, de quem gosto bastante. De qualquer forma tá show de bola seu trabalho.
Sucesso nos projetos, passarei sempre por aqui,

kory_anders said...

Dear Eddy,

I wanted to tell you how very much I love the Starfire pin up you've got posted here! I am one of, if not the, biggest Starfire fans! :) Thank you for posting your beautiful artwork. I will be at the New York Comic Con in April and wondered if I may get on your commission list? I'd love to have a Starfire from you in my sketchbook (which is full of Starfire's hahah :p)

Thank you so much for the beautiful work that you do! Have a wonderful day!

~Liz Hartley

Anonymous said...

Ola Eddy!

Absolutely lovely Starfire illustration mate!

I've purchased one of your Starfire splash pages from Joe from Countdown to Adventure and am looking forward to adding more of your work to my comic art collection :)

I'm also looking forward to meeting you at the San Diego Con as I will be travelling (from Australia) to attend the con this year. Adeus,


JayKent said...

Hi would love a Superboy sketch, how do I commission one?

Unknown said...


My name is Joe Gonzalez and I take care of commissions and art sales for Eddy. Drop by my website at www.comic-art-ink.com
You will find links there on how to order a one-of-a-kind commission or sketch from Eddy!
